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Not Accepting Defamation of Journalists, Several Fb Accounts Joined in the Pasir Baru Maju Group are Reported to the Sukabumi Police

Jelajah Hukum International

Sukabumi,- Dozens of journalists who are members of the Indonesian Independent Online Media (MIO) organization and the Indonesian Alliance Institute (LAI) of Sukabumi Regency, visited the Sukabumi Police Station, Thursday (11/11/2021) at 13:00 WIB.

The purpose of the arrival of MIO Indonesia and the Sukabumi Regency LAI was to make a complaint against the Facebook (FB) account named Oscar Sinaga and his other Facebook accounts, where the FB account was suspected of committing an act of defamation of the journalist profession, as well as slandering the account of Ateu Suganda who is also a journalist. .

Initially, on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, at around 20:14 WIT, Ateu Suganda's Facebook account made a status on a facebook group called Pasir Baru Maju (PBM) using his personal Facebook account, Ateu Suganda, who also works as a journalist. The status posted in the group is, "WHEN THE KADES BLOCKS THE JOURNALIST WHAT IS THE REASON... BUT THE JOURNALIST SHOULD NOT DISCUSS WHAT'S WHAT'S WHAT'S ABOUT??? WALER DA NAROS PUNTN BU ADMIN NGIRING NGABALA",

Not long after, there was a comment from a facebook account called OSCAR SINAGA with the comment "someone claims to be a journalist and wants to blackmail a village head". Suganda at the time of the inauguration, and there are also other comments on Oscar Sinaga's facebook account.

And there is also a facebook account called ISMAYA with the comment "Journalists usually ask for money normally. Punten sanes is cynical or blaming. It's about nukitu's job to eat fried food."

With the comments from the Facebook account, Ateu Suganda, who works as a journalist, feels that his good name and the name of the journalist have also been tarnished.

In connection with this, Ateu Suganda also reported the names of the accounts that had defameed the journalists and himself to the Sukabumi Police.

"I appeal to the Sukabumi Resort Police, in particular to the Sukabumi Police Criminal Investigation Unit to legally investigate the alleged criminal act of defamation," he said.

After making a complaint report, dozens of journalists also gave information in the lobby of the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim and made the following video:

"I'm Fransiska Prayodi as the Head of the Media Bureau of the Indonesian Alliance today on November 11, 2021, I as a journalist accompany Ellah Romilah alias Ateu Suganda who has been defamed by a Facebook account named Oscar Sinaga, Ismaya and Sity Conscience. made a complaint report to the Sukabumi Police and Alhamdulilah it was well received, for the defamation of the journalist's reputation who had blackmailed the villages."

Meanwhile, the Head of the Sukabumi Regency Online Independent Media also spoke about the defamation of the Sukabumi Regency MIO treasurer and the defamation of journalists.

"I am Purwanto, the Head of the Sukabumi Regency Online Independent Media, today I am accompanying my treasurer who has been defamed by a facebook account called OSCAR SINAGA and also ISMAYA, and I also strongly condemn this incident and I will definitely guard it until it arrives. finished and there is a follow-up from the police..Ready Forward.

The journalists will also wait for the results of the complaint reporting for the next 7 days.


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