||Sukabumi_Cibodas Village Government, Palabuhanratu District, the arrival of the Evaluation and Monitoring Team (Monev) for 10 Empowerment and Welfare Programs (PKK) at the Sukabumi Regency Level. His presence in Cibodas Village was related to the assessment of 10 PKK Programs and Model Villages.
Head of Cibodas Village, Junajah Jajah N,S.Pd said, Cibodas Village which I lead is a representative from Palabuhanratu District to participate in competitions at the Sukabumi Regency level.
"We have a Monitoring Team from Sukabumi Regency, namely in the context of 10 PKK programs and Model Villages. So basically Cibodas Village represents the villages in Palabuhanratu District in the Model Village category," said Junajah Jajah to the media crew on Monday (28/3/2022).
In addition, Junajah continued, an assessment was carried out on the Implementation of Acetic Acid Visual Inspection (IVA), PKK Proud Kencana Health Kesrak, Proud Kencana Health PKK Kesrak, Clean and Healthy Environment (LBS), Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS).
"Our community, especially residents of Cibodas Village, gotong royong is normal, but this is a sustainable program in the future. In relation to environmental management, it must be clean and tidy, with 10 PKK Programs fostered by the PKK Team in Cibodas Village, Mrs. Sumiati. Alhamdulillah, it seems that the community is enthusiastic about this program," he explained.
Junajah also hopes that with this program, the community can carry out not only this, but the PKK program is sustainable. But actually, Cibodas Village itself is a village that consistently runs the program every year, so that the environment is organized and growing.
"This program will continue to run because every year the PKK has been running, but this is monitoring, evaluation and assessment from the Regency. So, once we were implemented the model village was familiar to us. God willing, the village of Cibodas Palabuhanratu will win, the winner does not mean the first winner but the champion in the future, "he explained.
Meanwhile, TP PKK Cibodas Village Sumiati Junajah explained that the 10 PKK programs include PKK administration, parenting patterns for children and adolescents with full love and affection in the family.
"Efforts to increase family income (UP2K) PKK, Asri's yard is regularly beautiful and comfortable PKK," he explained.
In the same place, the Head of Palabuhanratu DR.Drs.H.Ali Iskandar, MH admitted that he was proud of the model village activities, the article was beyond his expectations, where after several times they were given coaching and visited and discussed with all parties, togetherness was the key to the success of the model village implementation.
"Togetherness is the key word, there are some contents that are lacking and need to be completed, it becomes a good note for us, the most important thing is motivation to rise," he explained.
Ali also hopes that this program can be sustainable, because goodness must be picked up, sought. And the way to look for it is to show self-existence.
"Hopefully this will be a momentum for all of us to continue to coordinate, so that in accordance with the regent's vision and mission, we can glorify Palabuhanratu," he concluded.
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